
The following roundtrip explains the basic operations supported by Cyfer. Start the application on the device and you will see the application popping up.

Cyfer initializes and reads the keyring files on the device. If the keyrings could not be found or is invalid (not OpenPGP-compatible) a error message is issued. In this case you are requested to terminate the application (without keys it is of no use at all) and copy appropriate keyrings to your device (for details see the requirement page.

We don't have to start an email application if we don't want to - and for this round trip we don't need to. We can just start writing a message directly on the keyboard (it doesn't matter where the text comes from; whether it is transferred via clipboard from another application of if you type it in directly):
Now let's process the message. Press the "Go" button on the device. Cyfer tries to analyze the message and decides what to do by the type of message. In case of unrecognized message formats or plain text, a popup is displayed to allow you to select the desired action yourself:

Encrypting a message

Let's start with Encyption: By pressing the command button on the device the message text will be encrypted for a list of receipient. In order to perform the encryption you have to select the public key of the receipients (which of course must be stored in your public keyrings):
You see a list of public keys that can be used for encryption. If you want to display detail information on a key, select the key in the list and press the "Details" command button. A new dialog will display the requested information:
To select a key for encryption, move the selection to the key in the list and press the "Toggle" command button (or the <ENTER> key) to mark or unmark it:
If you are done marking keys, press the "Go" command button on the device and the message is encrypted. The encrypted message is displayed in the application window and can now be copyied via clipboard to another application (eMail):

Decrypting a message

Now let's decrypted this message back into plain text. Simply press the "Go" command button to process the current message:
This time Cyfer has recognized the message as an encrypted PGP message, so the appropriate action is decrypting the cipher. Press the "Go" command button to start the decryption.

Cyfer will recognize the key needed to decrypt the message (private key) automatically and will look it up in your secret keyring. Since your private key is protected by a password, you are asked to enter your password to decrypt the private key:

After entering the passphrase and pressing the "Go" command button, the decrypted message is put into the application window. This message should read exactly as the message you have typed in at the beginning - so we are back were we started and have performed encryption and decryption of a message.

Signing a message

So we can now check the signing and verifying of a signed message. Press the "Go" button again to process the plain text message. This time you should select the "Sign" button to sign the text message.

Select your private key for signing and press the "Select" command button to proceed.

After decrypting your private key, the signed message is displayed:

Verifying a message signature

Press the "Go" command button to start the verification of the signature. Since a reference to the signing key is contained in the signature, you don't have to select a key manually.

After completion of the verification a message box is displayed to show the result status - successful or failed: